

Robert Sinn – Multiple Tailwinds For Precious Metals Stocks Heading Into August

Robert Sinn, (aka Goldfinger on and CeoTechnican on X) and publisher of Goldfinger Capital on YouTube and Substack, joins us to review his macroeconomic outlook, sector seasonality, and Q2 earnings all as positive tailwinds for the gold and silver junior mining stocks as we head into August.  We start off getting his thoughts on why he thinks weakening economic factors, in concert with moderating inflation, will give the Fed reason to announce a potential 50 basis point rate cut at their September meeting.  He’ll be analyzing carefully the messaging at next week’s FOMC meeting, to may be preparing the markets for that process.


With regards to the precious metals, Robert sees the commencement of central bank rate cuts as a net positive for the precious metals, and he expects to see that bring more interest down into the junior PM stocks. Additionally, there is the upcoming tailwind of shifting out of the summer doldrums and into the seasonally strong months of August and early September. We discuss how there is also a lot of exploration work that has been going on the last couple of months that will start getting reported next month, adding to the seasonality factor.  We wrap discussing one more sector tailwind with the positive Q2 earnings reports starting to come in on the senior producers, with Robert pointing to the recent messaging and key constructive takeaways from Newmont Mining (TSX: NGT) (NYSE: NEM).  With more companies set to still report their Q2 numbers, this should be another potential catalyst in the gold and silver stocks.






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    Jul 26, 2024 26:14 PM

    Don’t look back for the tail winds but look forward so you can jump the trip wires.

      Jul 26, 2024 26:06 PM

      As the late great Rodney Dangerfield used to say:

      “Look out for number 1, and try not to step in number 2.”

        Jul 26, 2024 26:44 PM

        Hi Ex, Remember to always take your vitamin “D”, if you step in #2 it will protect you. Vitamin “D” is the wonder drug according to Dr. Berg, and I believe him. DT

          Jul 27, 2024 27:37 AM

          Agreed DT. I take 5,000 vitamin D per day.

            Jul 27, 2024 27:05 AM

            Don’t you get Vit D… from the sun light….. ?
            You need to get a hobby , like gardening… 🙂

            Jul 27, 2024 27:28 AM

            Isn’t gardening the same as mining?

            Jul 27, 2024 27:41 AM

            Chauncey Gardiner! DT🤣
            Some people do their gardening wearing a suit, a hat, heavy socks, rubber boots, gloves, and an apron. LOL!

            Jul 27, 2024 27:07 AM

            When people bury their gold on their land late at night it’s called “midnight gardening.” 🙂

            Jul 27, 2024 27:58 PM

            Sun shines everyday in Brisbane. FREE D

            Jul 28, 2024 28:40 AM

            I’m in Seattle haha! (Not as much sun or enough sun year round – it sets by 4:30 in the heart of winter)

            A large percentage of North American people are vitamin D deficient and are not outside enough wirh enough skin exposure every day the entire year to get enough sun or vitamin D naturally, and thus they should supplement.

            Jul 28, 2024 28:16 AM

            Most vitamins cannot be manufactured by the body and so need to be supplied in your diet. Michael Franzese’s father lived in prison for fifty years and was released when he reached 102, at the time he was the oldest inmate in The U.S. federal penitentiary system. Most of us don’t have the magic genetic make-up that he had that allowed him to live that long on prison food so we must supplement. A simple blood test will tell you whether you are getting enough vitamin “D”. DT

    Jul 26, 2024 26:58 PM

    SILJ (which holds about 50 miners) finished with its best weekly close in 65 weeks. More importantly, it finally broke out to close above the important “P” price pivot. The last time it did that was in April 2022 and the last time it did that following a low as important as this year’s low was in February 2016.
    The superb state of the sector is made better by the fact that sentiment is in the toilet and even bulls are apprehensive. August marked the end in 2020 but it will mark the beginning in 2024.

      Jul 26, 2024 26:59 PM

      I was thinking in view of this long term silver price suppression, someone in J P Morgan might need a summer vacation in El Paso. Very popular at the moment.

        Jul 27, 2024 27:09 PM

        Guzman y Garcia